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Infiltrations and invasive examinations
Infiltrations and invasive examinations are generally performed under sedation (propofol) by two doctors
(an operator and an anesthetist)
Examples of infiltration :
Facet blocks of nerve branches
Intrathecal injections
Peripheral nerve blocks (Arnold, ...)
Stellar blocks
Intra-articular blocks (hip, ...)
Augmentative procedures (GelStix, ...)
Same-day driving ban
6 hours fast for solids
Fasting 4 hours for liquids (2 hours for water)
No smoking within 4 hours
Check your medication list
Report any fever or problem that has arisen since the consultation
Do not wear jewelry
Review informed consent
Invasive examinations :
Lumbar puncture
Facet arthrography
Peripheral arthrography (hip, ...)
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